Making Trusted Leadership Work For You
According to Forbes, a trusted organization outperforms its peers by 400%. There is no skill more important today, for all leaders, than to learn how to build trust. Most leaders believe they are good at their job. But in 2023, research shows that only 21% of employees trust their leaders. This is not good news ... Read more
Successfully Manage Differing Site Condition Claims
Unforeseen site conditions, particularly those underground, can make the difference between a successful project and a disaster. These conditions might include: old or abandoned sewer and water lines, conduit or structures; hard rock or other soils conditions not shown on the soils report: effluent from nearby dump sites; artifact discovery, and many other unforeseen factors ... Read more
Managing Projects Under California’s Prompt Payment Law
For Owners and General Contractors, managing your public and private projects in compliance with the California Prompt Payment Act is essential to project success. These statutes are designed to promote fair and timely payment. Accordingly, they carry significant penalties for noncompliance. Delayed payments can trigger unnecessary liability and exposure to penalties, interest, attorneys’ fees, and ... Read more
Mechanics Liens and Stop Payment Notices
This webinar covers: The Fundamentals of Mechanics Liens and Stop Payment Notices What you must know to address these laws without jeopardizing your project Mechanics lien and stop payment notice claims are highly technical and generally misunderstood. Mastering the rules governing these claims is essential if you are to avoid them, or address those you cannot ... Read more
Construction is a Continuous Process – Stop Siloing Your Results
Owners naturally structure their organization around the process of construction – planning, programming, design, construction, start-up/activation, etc. This organizational structure creates “silos” that make it difficult to deliver a successful project. In this webinar you will learn how to drill holes in your silos so your project team can act like one team, focused on ... Read more