Early Warning Signs of Potential Construction Claims and Disputes

This webinar thoroughly discusses early warning signs that particular types of claims or disputes may occur if prompt action is not taken. It outlines signs and timing for Owners and Contractors, so they can deal proactively with these situations and prevent claims and disputes from disrupting their project. Participants will: Learn numerous early warning signs ... Read more

Reducing Construction Claims Proactively

To avoid all time or cost claims there must be no changes, no delays, no shortage of qualified craft labor, no late material or equipment deliveries, no bad weather, etc. – all virtually impossible.  However, claims do not have to result in disputes.  Disputes arise when contractors and owners cannot resolve claims by negotiation and ... Read more

Ghost Schedules – What, How, and What is the Risk?

This webinar thoroughly discusses uses and risks of Ghost Schedules by both parties for better project control, decision making, and faster resolution of claims.  Not uncommon, but rarely written about, Ghost Schedules, also known as secret or shadow schedules, are used “behind the scenes” on construction projects for various purposes. Contractors use them to record ... Read more

RFIs – The Paper War & How to Prevent It

We will look at RFI use and abuse, including real life data from 1,400 projects and a sample RFI General Conditions clause to help control the process and reduce the impact of the RFI “paper war.”  We will discuss the genesis of RFIs, their development in the industry, a frequent common use, and their impact ... Read more

Virtual – 8th Annual Western Council PROJECT CONTROLS SUMMIT

The SUMMIT's focus is helping owners and key design, engineering, controls, and construction professionals gain a better understanding of important issues and principles that influence their ability to effectively and successfully meet their project, financial, and organizational goals. The SUMMIT is Virtual for 2022!  While saving time and travel costs to attendees, presenters and sponsors, ... Read more

Time Extension Requests – What Does A Contractor Have To Prove?

All construction professionals must learn how to prepare, analyze, and justify time extension requests. Owners and their representatives must receive, analyze, and recommend a course of action, and decide on all time extension requests submitted by contractors. Contractors and CM’s @Risk are required to analyze, prepare, justify, and submit time extension requests on behalf of ... Read more

Early Completion Schedules – Benefits, Risks & Defenses

A contractor’s right to complete work early was acknowledged by U.S. Courts in the 1960’s.  Delayed early completion claims arose shortly thereafter and became somewhat common in the industry. It was then, and remains now, a controversial issue in the construction industry, and many project owners refuse to accept early completion baseline schedules.  Others craft ... Read more

Pricing Delay Costs – How Owners Deal with Home Office & Jobsite Overhead Costs

This is one of the few webinars dealing directly with problems related to calculating jobsite overhead delay and extended home office overhead costs.  It offers multiple alternatives, which owners may employ in their contract documents.  We will discuss: recoverability of extended field office overhead costs in the event compensable delay arises on a project. various ... Read more

Concurrent Delay – Is This Still a Contractor’s “Get Out of Jail Free Card”?

This presentation uniquely sets forth best practices for both owners and contractors concerning concurrent delays.  Since owners generally do not impose late completion damages until the end of the project, frequently a contractor’s claim of concurrent delay is not submitted until the project is complete.  This webinar explores mechanisms, based on some recent court rulings ... Read more

Impact Damages – Fact or Fiction?

This unique webinar deals with this very specialized form of claim damages in a very practical way. The intent of the session is to advise project participants on how to resolve impact damages on the project site - not in the courtroom.  Most owners and contractors are aware of different types of claims – change, ... Read more

Mediating Construction Disputes – A Way To Avoid Arbitration & Litigation

Arbitration and litigation are very lengthy and expensive.  Mediation is a good alternative form of dispute resolution in which the parties involved structure and control the process and the outcome.  This webinar focuses on how to prepare for and achieve an acceptable resolution of construction disputes. Mediation is not new.  It was employed in ancient ... Read more

Alternative Dispute Resolution – Your Key to Staying Out of Court

This webinar thoroughly discusses, in a logical order, the advantages and disadvantages of a wide variety of ADR techniques, following a dispute from the project site to the adjudicative forum.  Understanding the use of ADR in construction, will make it easier for you to resolve disputes without litigation. Construction industry disputes are common, can be ... Read more