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Three New Safety Measures – What’s in Your Mind Matters

June 12, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm PDT

Safety is defined as a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical, psychological, or material harm are controlled to preserve the health and well-being of individuals and the community.

In construction, when we think about safety, we usually think about physical safety – keeping workers safe from accidents and injuries.

But there is much more to safety. Safety is more than a physical thing – it is also a “head thing.”

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How your brain has so much to do with project safety.
  • 3 safety brain “hacks” backed by science, which can improve project safety and productivity by over 20%.
  • Specific tips and tools you can start using today to improve your overall project safety and productivity.

When you stop looking at only the physical risks your employees face on your projects, and start looking at the brain-created risks, you will be able to break through to a whole new level of project safety.

Presenter: Sue Dyer, MBA, MIPI, is the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of her book, The Trusted Leader. Founder of the International Partnering Institute, she created the IPI Project Leader Certification training and designation.  She has helped over 4,000 construction teams, on projects worth $180 million+, create high-trust high-performing teams.  She has broad industry experience, serving as Executive Director of the United Contractors Association, as well as six other construction associations.  As the “Godmother of Partnering,” Sue developed the “Construction Scorecard” to help project teams steer their projects toward success.  In her ongoing study of project and leadership success she has noted some important safety factors which, when addressed, can make a tremendous difference in project safety.

Register a team of 3 or more from your organization and save $15 each!

See Flyer for complete details and registration information.

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June 12, 2024
10:30 am - 12:00 pm PDT
Event Category:


Valerie Largin