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Creating More Collaborative Partnerships in Alternative Delivery

June 2, 2022 @ 9:30 am - 11:00 am PDT

WCCC is pleased to host this series on Alternative Project Delivery Methods (APDMs).   It will explore the themes of procurement, project execution, and broader organizational dynamics in the context of APDMs.  

PART TWO THEME:  Project Execution

Practitioners and Owners alike know that creating a collaborative environment within the project team is key to project success.  Getting there takes transparency, trust, and a shared mission of thinking in the project’s best interest.  As simple as it sounds, we often struggle to translate these concepts into actionable tactics during the week-to-week grind of a project.

This session will use real project scenarios to illustrate the “Goldilocks Zone” that represents a pragmatic approach to project collaboration.  We will give examples of how to use a “dimmer switch” to continue building collaboration from the project partnering stage through completion.

Participants will learn:

  • Real-world definitions of transparency, trust, and collaboration – and why “too much” can slow down a project, create confusion, delay decision making, and increase stress.
  • The difference between simple risk transfer and true risk minimization
  • Practical tips to reduce risk on your next project.
  • How owners and practitioners often understand the same project information in different ways – and why it matters.
  • How practitioners should take the role of educators and coaches to assist their owner partners.

Audience:  Owners and Practitioners who are seeking healthier project team environments to improve their project outcomes


Brian Lines, PhD, PE, professor at University of Kansas, trains design and construction groups on best practices in alternative procurement, project pursuits, performance measurement systems, and organizational change management.  He has implemented his tools, templates, and strategies on more than $1B in project value, including many major delivery methods (DB, CMAR, P3, JOC/IDIQ, DBB).

Jeff Sawyer, Director of Strategic Engagements for Simplar Institute, conducts applied research in owner readiness for alternative delivery, management of capital projects, and risk-based partnering and planning.  He has 30+ years of experience in the engineering and construction industry.  He is former Senior Engineer for City of Prescott, AZ and previously owned a water/wastewater Design-Build company.

Register a team of 3 or more from your organization and save $15 each!

See Flyer for complete details and registration information.

RSVP and you will be sent a link to pay for your registration.

Registrations are closed for this event


June 2, 2022
9:30 am - 11:00 am PDT
Event Category:


Valerie Largin